Whistleblower Bombshell – Here’s What President Trump Has On Senator Jon Tester: VOTER FRAUD
April 29, 2018
SPECIAL REPORT: By Pete Santilli, Host of The Pete Santilli Show
Pete Santilli interviews Chris Kortlander, whistleblower and Author of the recently released book “Arrow To The Heart”. Arrow to the Heart is the new, non-fiction book by Christopher Kortlander that tells the gripping account of how he fought off the federal government and exposed a vast conspiracy of corruption and espionage. Recently, President Trump became incensed by the false & unverified allegations floated by Senator Jon Tester on CNN (with the help of CIA asset Anderson Cooper) towards VA Secretary Nominee Dr. Ronny Jackson. Mr. Kortlander has spent over a decade documenting Tester’s election in 2006 by voter fraud. This interview is literally a bombshell revelation that has never been formally investigated by the #DeepState Swamp-Monsters.
In the spring of 2005, a federally orchestrated raid took place at the small, historic town of Garryowen, Montana. Christopher Kortlander owns and operates Garryowen and was the focus of the raid. He was suspected of selling valuable historical artifacts with false provenance and illegally possessing eagle war feather bonnets and Native American artifacts. Kortlander vigorously fought this criminal allegation and eventually revealed a vast conspiracy of government corruption and espionage.
He also exposed stunning connections between the Custer Battlefield Museum raid, the Gibson Guitar raid, and a raid in rural Utah (Operation Cerberus Action) that led to the suicides of multiple people. In Chapter 7 & 8 of this comprehensive expose’, Kortlander also reveals stunning voter fraud in the State of Montana’s 2006 election of Senator Jon Tester.
Arrow to the Heart differs from competing books in that it brings new and never before published information exposing government corruption at the highest levels. No other book attempts to do this. Arrow is written in an entertaining narrative highlighted by stunning never before published photographs that help to enhance the reader’s experience.
*** Please SHARE this article & make it go viral to reach President Trump, the DOJ and especially voters in Montana who have no idea how their democracy has been hijacked via Montana’s Indian Reservations.
?BOMBSHELL BOOK EXPOSING BLM ABUSES: http://ArrowToTheHeartBook.com Buy Now Via Amazon US: http://sbn.buzz/arrowtotheheart
Shocking New Book Exposes Federal Agent Overreaching and How Montana Senator Tester Was Elected in a Stunning Voter Scheme
By Elaine Willman, MPA
As the current Trump Administration tries to undo a decade of executive overreach by the Obama Presidency, so too do ordinary citizens who have barely survived monstrous federal bureaucracy. After years of enduring threats and persecution from corrupt government officials, Christopher Kortlander, owner of the historic town of Garryowen, Montana and Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum, assembled a legal team that launched an aggressive defense against the federal government and won. Kortlander also had a front row seat on a suspicious election on the Crow and other Indian reservations that put Jon Tester into the Senate.
Christopher Kortlander’s book, Arrow to the Heart: The Last Battle at the Little Big Horn: The Custer Battlefield Museum vs The Federal Government, exposes devastating government corruption and malfeasance that continues today. Akin to theTrump Administration draining the swamp, Kortlander names and exposes the corrupt federal law enforcement agents to expunge them from further harming other American citizens.
In an engrossing and entertaining narrative, Kortlander exposes crooked federal agents operating within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW). Over a period of years, agents orchestrated raids upon private citizens, making unwarranted high-profile arrests to further their careers, boost professional standing and justify more “law enforcement” funding for bloated federal agencies. These raids included the 2014 the Bundy Ranch Standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada, Operation Cerberus Action that took place in rural Utah, and the 2011 Gibson Guitar raid. Operation Cerberus saw the suicide deaths of three of our fellow citizens as a result of over-the-top interrogations by BLM agents pursuing personal agendas. Dishonest agents seized personal property, purposely destroying people’s lives—literally ending the life of three Americans.
Arrow reveals vicious actions of agents involved in these raids. Recently fired BLM Special Agent in Charge, Dan Love, who oversaw the Bundy Standoff and Operation Cerberus Action, was revealed by an inside whistleblower to have created “kill lists” and “suicide lists” naming people being investigated. Love was exposed for having created the lists long before any of the suicides took place. Sealed court documents reveal that Love’s BLM kill lists at Bundy Ranch included targeting those of Mormon faith, labeling them a dangerous cult.
Kortlander also tells his own story beginning in the spring of 2005 when a federal raid took place at the Custer Battlefield Museum. Federal agents alleged that he was of selling valuable historical artifacts with false provenance, and illegally possessed eagle feathers. It was while fighting these false allegations, that Kortlander received a document from an unnamed government official detailing the level of corruption and espionage taking place in the law enforcement agencies of the Department of the Interior. Confirming what Kortlander was seeing take place all around him, the document also exposed BLM Agent Dan Love as one of the main perpetrators of malfeasance. There are stunning connections between Kortlander’s Custer Battlefield Museum raid, the Gibson Guitar raid, and Operation Cerberus Action. Through never-before-published documents, Arrow to the Heart makes readers aware of how federal law enforcement agencies operated and overreached their authority before and during the presidency of Barack Obama.
In Chapter 7 Kortlander also unearths damning information concerning the election of Montana Senator Jon Tester. The author details voter fraud that took place in 2006 when Jon Tester was first elected the 51st Democrat to the United States Senate, shifting the political power of the Senate.
Because state election laws do not apply at polling precincts on some Montana Indian Reservations, several reservation ballot boxes were left unsecured, allowing voter fraud to occur, which pushed Tester to a narrow win in Montana and gave Democrats control of the U.S. Senate by a tiny 0.87% of the official vote. Kortlander’s book contains documentation proving that the DNC and Tester’s campaign wrote checks to influence individual tribal voters at the ballot station. This stunning information continues to have national implications as Tester seeks reelection in 2018.
With so much publicity in recent years covering the Cliven Bundy Ranch Standoff and the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Kortlander’s book exposes a growing and justified fear of federal encroachment on the Constitutional rights belonging to you, me and all US citizens.
Arrow to the Heart includes a powerful Foreword by Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy. Written while awaiting trial in solitary confinement in the federal detention center in Pahrump, Nevada, Bundy gives his thoughts on federal government overreach and the implications it has for the lives of all American s.
FOR A SNEAK PEEK, order your own copy of Arrow to the Heart now.
?BOMBSHELL BOOK EXPOSING BLM ABUSES: http://ArrowToTheHeartBook.com Buy Now Via Amazon US: http://sbn.buzz/arrowtotheheart
Below is the 2007 lawsuit filed by Chris Kortlander:
EXHIBIT a- Amended Complaint_With Attachments by Pete Santilli on Scribd